Thursday, August 23, 2012

I feel like the luckiest mom on earth when I catch moments like this! I get to see all the times Juliet laughs at Claire just because she decided Claire's her favorite person. I see the times when Claire leans over and hugs Juliet's head in an awkward and tender way :) I love these two lovely ladies and the light my life up.
July was a fun month and her in Manassa Pioneer day is a huge celebration. There are two days of parades, a banquet, rodeos, a demolition derby,live bands, carnival rides, a great hamburger stand, and dances! It was great to see all of the town come alive for the celebration and everyone was busy entertaining family that came into town. It was wonderful! I wonder if I'll ever find a place to live that I love as much as Manassa. 
I think it's okay for me to say that I have the most beautiful daughters on the planet! They are sweet and loving! Sometimes Claire and I fight over who loves each other more. The only one who might have place to say they love these girls as much as I do is of course Craig. I was prompted to think of my happiest memories last week, and even though they're pretty new, my happiest memories are now the days when I watch Craig tickle or tease the girls and they laugh and tackle him. There's nothing novel about it, but there's so much love and peace in our home especially on those days that they've hard for any other memories to compete.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hello friends/family we have a new camera, and I'll be posting some of our new exciting pictures soon. It's late now and I'm going to bed soon, but I wanted to put at least something down. I'm trying not to realize that I'm lonely so I thought it I distracted myself with everything possible it wouldn't hit me. Craig and his brother Scott went to the mountains this morning to build fence and they won't be back for a while. It hasn't been a full day but I miss him and am dreading tomorrow. I should have gone to bed hours ago, because I'm babysitting a set of wonderful kids. I'll go now, and post later :) I love you all, wish me luck if you want.